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My Little Inferno
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.From Seraphic Deviltry:I don't know what kind of person "Maa-kun" is. He's huge and super-scary, so even if you told me to hide him, he stole 1,120,000 (It was 3,000,000, but he returned some of it). The first time I met himhe attacked me and made me cry, and I thought he was going to kill me. I wanted to die. But "Maa-kun" also cooks me broiled salmon for breakfast, listens to me when I talk, and he runs off the guys I hate "Maa-kun" is such an unknown, why is his accomplice (and ex-boyfriend) from his hacker days following him?
17 days ago
my fav ngl
8 months ago
Is it just me, or I've read all of the works of this author. It's just.. how do i say this.. its so unique and diverse in many aspects. I can't get enough. Anw, it's sad that this ends shortly, but i had fun reading the other works of the author of this story. I highly recommend it.(≧▽≦)
11 months ago
Yeah time for a Nemui double special from yours truly.
This is a twin review to Sleeping Dead. Both are from the same author, but I decided to be poetic and shït in that one 'cause I felt like it and also the situation called for it.
Here, not so much. So we can go with prose. Technically, it shares a captivating art style with the author's other works. It's full of contrast, you know? The characters are well designed, and there are these... details full of sexyness. The scruffy beards, the occasional pubes, the jawlines. But also their eyes, their faces. So expressive, but still defined with simple lines. It's not properly po**, anyway, but it oozes s** appeal.
Writing wise, again, same level of care as always. Hitoshi speaks in a certain way, and his personality is very definite. Ma has certain mannerisms, a peculiar tendency to laughing in a exaggerated manner... The habit of giving unspoken last chances. They both feel like people, likeable people. You can tell they have more inside. It takes talent.
So why the difference is rating? Simply put, content. The story told is lighter, simpler. The trade off is: sure, it will be less impactful, but also it serves a different narrative end compared to Sleeping Dead.
As I said, it's all about what you desire... And it just so happens, Hitoshi got a hunky genie in a lamp ready to bad-boy all over his face. But is a relationship just a collection of wishes? Or is it more understanding and commonality? Sharing the mediocrity of life together?
You'll see. Lighter doesn't mean less enjoyable. 9½ on the Ivern Scale™️.
This is a twin review to Sleeping Dead. Both are from the same author, but I decided to be poetic and shït in that one 'cause I felt like it and also the situation called for it.
Here, not so much. So we can go with prose. Technically, it shares a captivating art style with the author's other works. It's full of contrast, you know? The characters are well designed, and there are these... details full of sexyness. The scruffy beards, the occasional pubes, the jawlines. But also their eyes, their faces. So expressive, but still defined with simple lines. It's not properly po**, anyway, but it oozes s** appeal.
Writing wise, again, same level of care as always. Hitoshi speaks in a certain way, and his personality is very definite. Ma has certain mannerisms, a peculiar tendency to laughing in a exaggerated manner... The habit of giving unspoken last chances. They both feel like people, likeable people. You can tell they have more inside. It takes talent.
So why the difference is rating? Simply put, content. The story told is lighter, simpler. The trade off is: sure, it will be less impactful, but also it serves a different narrative end compared to Sleeping Dead.
As I said, it's all about what you desire... And it just so happens, Hitoshi got a hunky genie in a lamp ready to bad-boy all over his face. But is a relationship just a collection of wishes? Or is it more understanding and commonality? Sharing the mediocrity of life together?
You'll see. Lighter doesn't mean less enjoyable. 9½ on the Ivern Scale™️.
a year ago
It was a good story and had a nice ending, a little dissapointed there was no s** scenes
a year ago
Pretty good
First chapter is gross and a red flag. Other chapte the plot and charcters grab your interest and keep it. But nobody in this story is sane
a year ago
Pretty good
mc ml relationship started badly, but got better with every chapter.
their interactions are funny & quite cute. not really satisfied with the ending but it's still okay
2 years ago
its weird
2 years ago
It's soo rocking good